Downtown Abbotsford Virtual Auction

Auction Details

COVID-19 has impacted our downtown greatly. While many businesses have been able to adapt we wanted to help bring you closer to our downtown and the store you love so much. “We’re hopeful that we can bring the community together, at least virtually, for this special auction and give a bit of support to local businesses during these challenging times,” said Jennifer McEwan, Executive Director, Abbotsford Downtown Business Association.

Thanks generous sponsorship contribution from residential developer, Infinity Properties, all participating Downtown businesses will receive $100 and all funds raised during the auction will go towards Downtown Abbotsford COVID-19 Relief.
All funds raised will be allocated to Downtown Abbotsford COVID-19 Relief.
Auction items coming soon!This auction's items are not yet available to view online.
They will be listed here as soon as they are ready.